Darlington Volunteer Bushfire Brigade (DVBFB) is the volunteer response Bush Fire Brigade for all bush fire-related emergencies in the immediate Darlington area.
Darlington Volunteer Bushfire Brigade (DVBFB) is the volunteer response Bush Fire Brigade for all bush fire-related emergencies in the immediate Darlington area. We also provide regional support to other Local Government when needed.
Darlington is located within the Shire of Mundaring which has nine active fire-fighting brigades.
The Shire also has a dedicated Communications Brigade, and is supported by the Mundaring Firefighters School (MFS), which provides training to all Brigades.
Darlington VBFB operates primarily as a Bush Fire Brigade and is not set up to deal with HAZCHEM, Structural fires or Road Traffic Accidents.
Other neighbouring Brigades are trained to deal with these situations. Our Brigade may be called upon to offer support.